Canberra – Saying Yes to A Carbon Tax

I grew up in Canberra and politics was spoken about around our table. So when I go back from time to time I drop into parliament. On many occasions I just sit reflecting on democracy – what is it?

On this visit I felt compelled to check out the carbon tax debate. My own feeling is that it won’t stop global warming as it is values and attitudinal change that must occur if it is to be transformative. A carbon tax is imposed through consumption and given demand and supply the idea is that rising prices will reduce demand. However, it does not change attitudes, just preferences. If it creates a psychological shift that extracting non renewables such as coal pollute and warm the atmosphere, then that is a start. However, to tackle the real problem is to question fundamentally our whole way of life and psychology. Small steps I guess.

Some of the signs on the Parliamentary lawn are from prominent Australians and ex-Prime Ministers. So it is good to gain some idea of what people’s opinions are.




Mohandas Gandhi

“Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong”

