Ilfracombe State School Clowning

I was advised in Charleville to try a little school in Ifracombe. The Principal was very flexible and invited me to teach sustainability and clowning around at his school. As I am on a tight budget I found the caravan park a bit expensive, I rang the Principal and he then invited me to stay at the school. I had a blow up mattress, it saved me setting up a tent. I was very happy. It meant I could organise myself very quickly in the morning to dress as a clown. Children get very excited and curious, so best if I can be ready before they get there.

It was with great enthusiasm that I met the children. Some didn’t know I was coming so they were very excited. We had a really great time together.

Ilfracombe State School

 one world

iiracombe school kidsiifracombe kids clowning


Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”

