Clowning Around Australia
My name is Peacefull, I am a World Peace Sustainability Clown. My previous blogs documented my journey around the world as a Peace Clown and my ongoing blog ‘Peace is Our True Nature’. I am on a journey home. This means that I am seeking to live in peace with myself, others and the planet. This blog is to document my journey around Australia.
This trip is to share my skills as a Rotary Peace Scholar and offer schools the opportunity to receive workshops on conflict resolution, values education, peace education, sustainability, clowning and juggling. I have used the acronym REAL HOPE in my programs which refers to: Responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Love, Honesty, Oneness, Peace and Enjoyment. These are the universal values and when they are aligned, naturally we give service.
I am sharing the peace and sustainability message with schools and I am interested in the voice of children. The journey is an inner peace journey so I will be working on undoing any negativity from my life and working in harmony with whatever turns up. I keep planning to a minimum as I wish to observe life turn up as it does. The harmony in myself is the harmony of the planet itself, as I am not disconnected. I am also aware that my stewardship is about being aware of how I impact on the planet and seeking to make this a sustainable planet for all life forms.
I will share with you historical information about the towns and characters I meet, as life is always full of surprises. I am astounded by the goodwill in the community. I will be meeting many children so will be happy to share the photo gallery and video’s will be uploaded to Youtube.
Australia is a vast country but full of mystique and one of the most ancient countries on the earth. I feel this will conclude my world trip and will be my contribution to peace and a better world.
Enjoy the journey with me.