
Melbourne: Sherbrooke Forest and Conversations

I am staying in Sherbrooke which I mistakingly thought was Sherwood Forest. I laugh, I have actually been to Sherwood forest in Nottingham, UK which is not a forest anymore but was remembered as the location of the Robin Hood and his merry men. So I smile.

I’m staying with a good friend of mine… Continue reading

Meeting My Place in the Sun

I keep feeling these incredible feelings of happiness. It is unbelievable. I just can’t stop smiling. I feel so happy and I find myself repeating it every day. I have to write a poem, but never can my poetry bring you this feeling, as it is pure joy. I don’t need anything but what I… Continue reading


Mohandas Gandhi

“Gentleness, self-sacrifice and generosity are the exclusive possession of no one race or religion.”

