
Summary of British Nuclear Weapons Tests in Australia

Summary – British Nuclear Weapons Tests in Australia

Jim Green

National nuclear campaigner – Friends of the Earth, Australia

The general attitude of white settlers towards Australian Aborigines was profoundly racist; Aboriginal society was considered one of the lowest forms of civilisation and doomed to extinction. Their land was considered empty and available… Continue reading

Port Augusta: Indigenous Issues

Had an interesting day today. Slept in and did my blog. The day went fast. I had a mechanic have a look over my car to make sure all is good, I have a big haul to Perth tomorrow. Will head to Ceduna.

I bought a present for the sisters here, some reflective happy face… Continue reading

Charleville to Ilfracombe Outback Queensland

Today is Thursday 11th August. I awoke to a motorcycle warming up. I found this at another caravan park, they warm their bikes. They are not thinking of the rumble affecting all the sleeping campers. I have to laugh. I used to ride a bike, I know why they warm up, but they can take… Continue reading


Mohandas Gandhi

“Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”

