Summary of British Nuclear Weapons Tests in Australia
Summary – British Nuclear Weapons Tests in Australia
Jim Green
National nuclear campaigner – Friends of the Earth, Australia
The general attitude of white settlers towards Australian Aborigines was profoundly racist; Aboriginal society was considered one of the lowest forms of civilisation and doomed to extinction. Their land was considered empty and available… Continue reading
Port Augusta: Indigenous Issues
Had an interesting day today. Slept in and did my blog. The day went fast. I had a mechanic have a look over my car to make sure all is good, I have a big haul to Perth tomorrow. Will head to Ceduna.
I bought a present for the sisters here, some reflective happy face… Continue reading
Charleville to Ilfracombe Outback Queensland
Today is Thursday 11th August. I awoke to a motorcycle warming up. I found this at another caravan park, they warm their bikes. They are not thinking of the rumble affecting all the sleeping campers. I have to laugh. I used to ride a bike, I know why they warm up, but they can take… Continue reading