
First Prime Minister had Values of Trust, Competence, Stability to give Hope


Fisher, Andrew (1862–1928)

by D. J. Murphy

This article was published in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 8, (MUP), 1981

Andrew Fisher (1862-1928), prime minister, was born on 29 August 1862 at Crosshouse, near Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland, second son of Robert Fisher, coalminer, and his wife Jane, née Garvin. Robert Fisher,… Continue reading

Andrew Fisher Australia’s First Prime Minister


Andrew Fisher

Aborigines claim citizen rights!-a statement of the case for the Aborigines Progressive Association by J.T. Patten and W. Ferguson.
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William Ferguson

Cover of Not Slaves, Not Citizens: Condition of the Australian Aborigines in the Northern Territory by Yvonne Nicholls, 1952.
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Brian Charles Fitzpatrick


Andrew Fisher (1862-1928) served as prime minister in 1908-09, 1919-13, and 1914-15. He was one of the founders of the Labor Party in Australia. He rose to office from great poverty, beginning work in a Scottish coal pit at the… Continue reading

History: Noongar Indigenous people

I wrote an earlier blog describing an indigenous man who became upset in Perth at a Asian man playing the digeridoo and caused a disturbance. I watched him as he walked away and made the sign of an eagle. I now have a deeper understanding of why he did that. Read below and find another… Continue reading

History: Albany, Western Australia

This is an interesting overview of Albany, a significant town in Australia’s history inclusive of military, whaling and I was surprised to learn of frequent king waves here. My friend and I just discussed many people washed off rocks by very large surges. Enjoy.

This is an overview courtesy of Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany,_Western_Australia

Albany (play /ˈælbəni/)… Continue reading

Perth: Indigenous History and Conflict

This overview is fairly detailed and speaks of violent conflict between settlers and aboriginal people. It provides another perspective of history and highlights resistance of the indigenous people.


This website states it is On Creative Spirits you can browse and explore Aboriginal culture, my travels through Western Australia and New South Wales, view photo… Continue reading

Perth: Brief History of a Colony


For nearly 40,000 years the area on which Perth now stands was occupied by groups of the Nyoongar people and their ancestors – a fact that has been verified by the discovery of ancient stone implements near the Swan River which have been carbon dated at 38,000 years old.

In December, 1696, three ships… Continue reading

Coolgardie: An Aboriginal Sacred Site, Do Not Mine!

Always I feel I look at my own anglo european culture that has to find wealth in the ground, yet increasingly I am finding wealth in the nature. When one becomes grounded in nature, no longer do you see a pile of rocks, you see a spiritual wealth that is everywhere you look. I am… Continue reading

Coolgardie: Do You Mine?

As I am travelling through Western Australia the mining industry is clearly in my mind.



“Mother of the Western Australian Goldfields”

The name Coolgardie is said to be derived from the aboriginal word “Coolcaby,” which is in reference to the area’s mulga vegetation and gnamma waterholes. Over the years, Coolgardie was known by… Continue reading

Mary MacKillop: A Sacred Heart of Strength

There have been many great women in Australia. Mary MacKillip is well known here and her story has been told. She actually came from Scottish heritage. The Scots had quite an impact here in Australia, very strong people. Mary lived with difficult conditions, traditions in the church, gender issues, politics, abuse of children and her… Continue reading

Travelling to Barmera, South Australia

I went to Barmera with my friend to help her drive to a Catholic gathering. I was the designated driver. It is a hot place in summer over 50 degrees, wow. It was a great opportunity to see my country, this wonderful land in Australia. Our destination was Barmera, I had never heard of this… Continue reading


Mohandas Gandhi

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

