Introduction: Travelling Around Australia

I am just days away from leaving Brisbane on a trip around Australia.  Similar to the world trip I completed last year, I felt inspired to do this one. I like to explain to people I don’t have much money to commence this trip, my point in explaining this is that you don’t need much to live your dreams. I am leading by example.

It is interesting as you start to consider the possibility of travelling the country alone, fears do arise, but I know at this point in my life, they are not real. I look at them with curiosity and if anything, it spurs me on with more determination to face them. As they are the fears that most people feel which prevent them from living their own dreams. I am not a believer in staying in states of fear, I believe in exploring for truth and that means as they say feel the fear and do it anyway. However, for the most part I feel no fear and am experiencing constant feelings of inner joy. I know I am on the right track because I feel so happy.

I have been preparing for this journey the past month. A man kindly donated me a camping voucher. I was able to get the equipment I need. I have purchased an inverter so I can charge up my laptop and lamp whilst driving. The distances in Australia are very long so I will have plenty of time to let the car be my energy source. My car is fuel efficient so I believe I can run it pretty cheaply even in a climate of high fuel prices. I have bought lots of canned food so if I get stuck I have at least food and water with me. I haven’t had to change many tyres in my life as the bolts are very tight. So my wonderful house mate is going to loosen them a bit so I can change the tyre myself. As a female it is just physical strength of these issues that can be a challenge, although out on the open road there are plenty of people who will assist.

I have a few schools interested in the outback and I will visit them as a World Peace Sustainability Clown. The sustainability aspect of my work has been an inspiration as I feel we need to focus on the importance of values which create behaviour change and to have an awareness of the reality of environmental collapse. I believe we have to take responsbility for the world we have created. I see no blame when I think of industrialists they simply have copied a design that has been implemented for 200 years. Yet the rapid speed of environmental and economic change are no mistake. I regard them a little like the twin deficits idea, they are hand in hand. In other words we have created patterns of behaviour that reward high levels of consumption, we have also created a world of work that is largely dissatisfying for most people. This I know from my experience working in approximately 400 workplaces. The unhappiness or dissatisfaction manifests in consumption as we seek to find gratification through materialism. This disconnects us from our true nature which doesn’t need all the trappings of growth to feel satisfied and happy. I have discovered this in my own life as I have got rid of all my things and have reduced it to fit into a small Suzuki Baleno. The lifestyle of living in a tent is to return to the rythmns of nature and to learn to consume what I need and to express my life through sharing my gifts.

I will be encouraging schools to come onto my exploratory on-line forum to have children engage in problem solving picking topics to explore. This can be done intra-school (internally) or it can be down with a number of schools. So that children in remote areas can connect with other kids. I also want to gather their ideas about bullying, peace, nature, sustainability and whatever they think are great ideas to build a better world. My work in schools will be by donation and it is to develop my ability as a performer and teacher. I will also become more knowledgeable about the needs of children, their thoughts, their desires and the future they are going to create. There decisions today will either build resilience to cope with change or they will be unable to deal with not having their needs met instantly. We termed this the ‘me generation’ where there is an expectation of now, rather than making what we need or doing without and learning to be adaptable to life and satisfied without more things. I am practicing this in my own life as well.

So welcome to this blog, it is going to be an amazing journey. One I am very excited about. I love the fact that anything can happen and I will make sure I great all challenges with positivity and curiosity. If I don’t then I have work to do on inner peace. That is the point of the journey.

Much love and peace,

Susan Carew
Brisbane, Australia

So I will leave next week Wednesday or Thursday and will report to you about the towns i visit, some historical knowledge, my own personal observations of the journey and i will be gathering ideas as I go.

Mohandas Gandhi

“An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
